While Pope Francis is much more than just a false leader & teacher, really fitting the description of the false prophet in Revelations, this false leader must be understood. While it is easy to clarify all Popes as false teachers just because of their role. Pope Francis in his short time as pope has proved to be much more.
While Catholicism and Christianity differ tremendously in doctrine, the general public does not identify with the differences. Catholics believe that they are worshipping Jesus Christ, but along with other gods, like the Virgin Mary. But they still feel it’s Christianity. This has created a false church. Pope Francis is the head of this church.
Since he has become Pope, he has been nothing less than transformational for the Holy Roman Catholic Church. He is another false leader that has pushed and embraced a doctrine of acceptance. Not allowing the church to judge anything. But more than that he has pushed new thinking on all things.
For the first time ever, this year 2014, the pope had the first prayer with the 3 major religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity, & Islam. They all prayed together at the Vatican. This was an unprecedented event. The pope declared that all 3 religions worship the same god, therefore they are the same and can pray together.
It’s very easy to see how the beginning of a one world religion can get started from events like these. How a man can make such blasphemous statements and no one checks him on it. It shows the spiritual temperature of the times that we’re in. Where are our major “Christian” pastors at when these things occur. Pastors like Joel Osteen make statements of excitement about the popes inclusion.
By him just saying this alone, would make him a false leader, but it’s the many other things combined together that gets our attention. This pope has tried to accept homosexuality within the church. Making statements like ” who is he to judge”. Driving inclusion for everyone. Saying that the church needs to change to become more accepted by the masses.
He also has said that he believes in evolution. By saying this he allows the church to deny the validity of the Holy Bible. He denies God creating the world the way He said He did. These views are so damaging to this world. Especially for non believers and those trapped within false doctrine.
He also works with the elites of this world. Telling them that they need to give more to the world to defeat poverty & hunger. These charges he gives enforces our class warfare system that dominates our world. It puts the elites in charge of us and our gradual acceptance of that fact.
It should be noted that he is prophecied to be the last pope. It is also to be noted before his inception, the last pope stepped down from the position. An action that had not been done in over 600 years. A lot of wrong has come about through the pope. He is not finished.
He is the false prophet foretold of in Revelations. His goal is to introduce the reign of the AntiChrist and the New World religion. He will be the high priest of this New World religion. He will twist doctrine and eventually be the one to implement the worship of the Beast of Revelations.
His words are not to be believed. He is to be judged and monitored by discerning eyes, ears, and a heart led by the Holy Spirit. Beware of this false leader!