If you want to do your own research to understand the History of Christmas and many of the things spoken about in the videos about in the Christmas History.  If you have not watched the video on the History of Christmas and why you should not celebrate it, please click this link to watch the video —> Christmas History: Bible & Pagans – The Truth


Nimrod, Semiramis, & Tammuz

(Learn about the beginning of paganism.  This is where the story of the father god (sun god), mother goddess (moon goddess), son of god (sun-god reborn) starts.  This is critical to understand how pagans were able to attach themselves with belief in Yahshua.  It is explained in History of Religion Part 1. 


The Bible & Traditions of Men

Read the Bible and understand what it says about taking traditions of men in our worship of YHWH. We are not to just do what we want in our worship of Him.  Understand it by researching what it says.  I have articles on this subject as well as scripture.


Israel & The Golden Calf (Exodus 32)

Understand what YHWH did to Israel when they chose to worship Him in the way they desired instead of how He told them to


Paganism and Gentile Nations

After you understand Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz understand how this story has been spread through the other gentile nations including but not limited to, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome


Winter Solstice

This is the worship of the sun.  On the shortest day of the year, when it returns it symbolizes the sun’s rebirth. Understand how pagans have celebrated their sun god ever since Nimrod. 


Saturnalia Festival

This is the Winter Solstice festival done by Rome worshipping the reborn sun-god also known as Saturn. This is what the pagans of Rome celebrated before Christmas was invented


Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Son

The sun-god’s name was changed to Sol Invictus.  This was the last name it was known as before Rome mixed Jesus with their sun god


Emperor Constantine and Rome’s Conversion to Christianity

This is where much of the confusion of the believers in Yahshua and the pagans of the gentile nations were mixed.  It was because of Constantine’s conversion.  Understanding his conversion will allow you to gain more understanding of where the misunderstanding occurs


Council of Nicea

This is part of the conversion of belief in Yahshua and pagan beliefs.  Much people like to say this is where Christianity and belief in Yahshua was created, but it really was where the Roman Catholic Church was created with their doctrine of Christianity mixed with paganism.


First Recorded Christmas in Rome

Know when the first recorded Christmas was celebrated in Rome.  It will show just how long it took for this tradition to take hold


Did Early Church Celebrate Christmas?

If the early church who were more direct followers of Yahshua did not celebrate Christmas.  Why do we think we should?


Christmas Banned in Boston

Even in America, who has much hypocrisy about the “Christian” beliefs being that they still had slaves, they still understood that Christmas was pagan and not biblical.







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Terms Used to Research History of Christmas

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