If you want to do your own research to understand the History of Christmas and many of the things spoken about in the videos about in the Christmas History. If you have not watched the video on the History of Christmas and why you should not celebrate it, please click this link to watch the video
Read moreThese are the scriptures used in the video about Christmas History. If you have not watched the video to understand the History of Christmas and why it should not be celebrated, please click this link to view the video and please remember to share
Read moreWhy do we go to Church on Sunday? Now if you have any Orthodox Jews in your community you will notice regularly that they rest on the Sabbath (the 7th day). They recognize the 7th day as Saturday. This is when they rest and follow the commandment in the Law of resting on the Sabbath. Now the question many should ask, that many don’t ask. I know I asked it as a kid and never got a real response. The question is if Jews & Christians alike both worship the same God, the Father. Then why do we recognize different days as the Sabbath.
Read moreThis site was meant to tackle the big issues in the most understanding, but truthful way possible. This is an attempt to illustrate another massive idol in believer’s lives; their church and their Pastors. This is an extremely sensitive subject because it is something a majority of Americans can visualize and may take part in. It’s something that many individuals will find a hard time letting go of and will do anything to protect. It is dangerous because it plays with spiritual worship and idolatry. False teachers & prophets swaying the masses in distractions and idol worship. Sometimes very ignorantly and innocently. And many times out of greed and deceit. Either way it occurs, it’s detrimental to their blindly trusting, following flock.
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