Selling your soul is not a cliché. People DO sell their souls for money & power. While it is done in many forms, knowingly or unknowingly, it is now a common practice in order to be referred to as an elite in today’s society. If you read the article on “What is a New World Order”, you’d gain more understanding that there are people that work to accomplish the goal of the devil. That goal being for the devil to be worshipped by all. Is it so hard to believe that someone would pledge their talents & influence to the devil in return for fame & fortune? It shouldn’t be hard to believe, but yet many aren’t able to make the connection.
The fact is that many prominent entertainers today have sold their soul to the devil. Their level of success normally can determine how deep into the occult they really are. But if you are promoted by mainstream media of today you are a puppet to the masters in control of our cultural media.
These stars have committed to promoting a number of themes through their particular art. The major themes all promote a new age religion embracing new doctrine that people set their lives to. The general public follows these entertainers lives and listen to them as influencers. This is why they are so important in the goal of creating a New World Order. The general public is influenced by them. They help create our society’s changing culture.
Our entertainment is a tool of mind control conditioning. It conditions us to accept and not criticize a new belief in social order. It brainwashes our youth into feelings of over-sexualization leading to lower percentages of marriage, fatherless homes, and incomplete families. A society centered around the idolizing of money and material possessions. Our entertainment is geared toward acceptance of these themes.
The elite of our entertainers have pledged their role in life to pushing these ideas on the general masses, but get paid an exorbitant amount of money for it, being like one of the elite. It’s doing whatever you have to do to get a big house on a hill. These entertainers are no different than a drug dealer selling crack into his own community just for his and his family’s betterment, all the while long destroying his community. These entertainers are perceived by the public to be strong powerful figures, when in fact they are the weakest form of an individual. The one’s that will do anything for a dollar even if it means they destroy everyone else. It’s heartless and evil. Nevertheless, it is done now more often than not done.
This is why you see all the major stars wear all the same symbols on their clothing, or make the gestures with their hands. It’s why you hear a lot about them going crazy when they seem to go off the main script that the media prefers to present. The uninitiated viewers of the occult practices are dragged into bondage that they are blind to. These people do not deserve your respect or your attention, more than for you to expose them and their works.
A lot of entertainers will say it straight out that they sold their soul to the devil. They will wear clothing with pictures of the devil on it. They will flash satanic pictures consistently to the camera. They will make songs about him. They will do obvious blasphemes of Jesus. They do the most immoral things, but yet we love to follow them.
We do not care about what they represent or what they promote. We do not care what they are introducing to our children. We don’t acknowledge in fact that they are role models to most, regardless if it is stated or not. We just want to be entertained by them, to hopefully be like them, and obtain the same successes as them. This feeling often taking people straight into the same bondage or worse than that same entertainer is in.
You must understand that it is a common practice to sell your soul to the devil. So if you do not want the devil around you, you probably should not entertain yourself through entertainers that consistently promote the devil and his ways. When they say they have sold their soul to the devil, believe them. It’s not a cliché!