In the article that explained the New Age, it was explained that New Age thinking & philosophy comes wrapped up in a package of self-help, self-esteem, and self-reliance. This package often presented and sold by figures that many people of the general public aspire to be like or achieve the same successes. Through all of this a major idea, thought, and belief is generated in one’s life. Through our media, education system, entertainment and other influences other than the Holy Bible, these ideas, thoughts, and beliefs become a new doctrine of our lives. We never realized that we may have replaced some core traditional value that we should have held on to.
Read moreSelling your soul is not a cliché. People do sell their souls for money & power. While it is done in many forms, knowingly or unknowingly, it is now a common practice in order to be relevant in today’s society. If you read the article on “What is a New World Order”, you’d understand that there are people that work for the goal of the devil, which is to be worshipped by all. Is it so hard to believe that someone would pledge their talents & influence to the devil in return for fame & fortune? It shouldn’t be hard to believe, but yet many aren’t able to make the connection.
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