If you watched the 2-Part Video about Sexual Immorality we went in-depth about the problem of Sexual Immorality. In the Part 1 I gave lessons that you need to know in order to deal with the problem of sexual immorality. In Part 2, I gave strategies on how to overcome the problem of sexual immorality. […]
Read moreIf you watched the 2-Part Video about Sexual Immorality we went in-depth about the problem of Sexual Immorality. In the Part 1 I gave lessons that you need to know in order to deal with the problem of sexual immorality. In Part 2, I gave strategies on how to overcome the problem of sexual immorality. […]
Read moreThe 2 biggest risk for Christians when the Lord comes back for His Bride is for them: Being lukewarm (Revelations 3:15) or Having the Lord say “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). This is a subject that many don't hear preached often from the pulpit, but it is something that all should be cognizant of because of the major risks & implications involved.
Read moreThe bible tells us clearly that we are not to have sex before marriage. It tells us not to be sexually immoral and live unclean. But over time this message has been replaced by “high thoughts”. The high thought is that this message is outdated, old, naïve, and impossible. Being that the rest of the world engages freely in sexual activity from their early teenage years, it should be something just understood.
Read moreIt is plain to see based from the scriptures about idolatry, that idolatry is a major issue. There are countless scriptures that tell us to stay away from idolatry. More scriptures that show what happened to the children of Israel when they began eating things sacrificed to idols. When they held on to idols and the things of the accursed, they began to lose battles and they were cursed. Only until they did away with the idols were the curses lifted. Other scriptures show that idolaters and the like will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Read moreThis site was meant to tackle the big issues in the most understanding, but truthful way possible. This is an attempt to illustrate another massive idol in believer’s lives; their church and their Pastors. This is an extremely sensitive subject because it is something a majority of Americans can visualize and may take part in. It’s something that many individuals will find a hard time letting go of and will do anything to protect. It is dangerous because it plays with spiritual worship and idolatry. False teachers & prophets swaying the masses in distractions and idol worship. Sometimes very ignorantly and innocently. And many times out of greed and deceit. Either way it occurs, it’s detrimental to their blindly trusting, following flock.
Read moreIf you read through the Scriptural evidence you’ll see that we are supposed to have pastors and elders. They are to be those that have overcome and are stronger in faith, so that there may be an example for those that are younger in faith. There are those that exemplify that and this article is not speaking against the role or position of a pastor, but of the idolization of one. When there is idolization of one’s pastor it allows that man to be in front of God in our lives. This leaves the door open for acceptance of false doctrine, stunt in growth of a believer, and consistent defeat by the enemy.
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