In the video, MY FRIENDS & FAMILY WON’T LISTEN TO ME: WHAT DO I DO? I spoke about some  actions we all can take for our family and friends that do not have the same urgency in their spirit about getting right and preparing for our Father.  These are the action items I recommended in the […]

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I made this video to speak to the many people that may feel that it is too late for them to come to God. The video is directed at those who have been struggling with sin and though you know you need to commit to God, you are being blocked from doing it fully. Maybe you […]

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If you watched the 2-Part Video about Sexual Immorality we went in-depth about the problem of Sexual Immorality.  In the Part 1 I gave lessons that you need to know in order to deal with the problem of sexual immorality.  In Part 2, I gave strategies on how to overcome the problem of sexual immorality. […]

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If you watched the 2-Part Video about Sexual Immorality we went in-depth about the problem of Sexual Immorality.  In the Part 1 I gave lessons that you need to know in order to deal with the problem of sexual immorality.  In Part 2, I gave strategies on how to overcome the problem of sexual immorality. […]

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How can a Christian say they don't believe in conspiracy theory? Every time I hear a Christian say they don’t believe in “conspiracy theories”, I have two immediate thoughts. 1) They really don't believe in the Word of God or 2) They don't really know the Word of God. The reason for these thoughts are because the Word clearly teaches that Satan has been conspiring against the Lord before he was cast down to the earth.

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A Christian Democrat? That’s an oxymoron. Most people may take this wrong and view this as judgement, but the truth is you can’t be a Christian and a Democrat. Apparently most of the American church today hasn’t got the memo. Now normally on my site I do not speak about politics, but seeming how this […]

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You have to be willing to humble yourself. In order to really understand the world, you live in, you have to be willing to humble yourself. This is the biggest problem separating people from truth and reality. You have to be willing to humble yourself. We all feel (for the most part) that we are intelligent. We all feel that we have common sense. We all have bigger things to concern ourselves with. So when there are times that the truth presents itself to us, we choose to ignore it or minimalize it. We feel that we’ve heard some variation of this story before. Enough that we feel we know something about it. Enough at least for us to know that it’s not something that we need to put a focus on.

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The Lord is on His way. While we do not know the day nor hour of that day of the Lord, we do know what the times will look like. Anyone paying attention to Bible prophecy will tell you that those days look a lot like today’s time. It is fact, not opinion that many members of the church will be left behind. Many do not want to acknowledge or embrace this fact, but nevertheless it is a fact. Jesus has spoken directly to the church on this point.

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Why do we go to Church on Sunday? Now if you have any Orthodox Jews in your community you will notice regularly that they rest on the Sabbath (the 7th day). They recognize the 7th day as Saturday. This is when they rest and follow the commandment in the Law of resting on the Sabbath. Now the question many should ask, that many don’t ask. I know I asked it as a kid and never got a real response. The question is if Jews & Christians alike both worship the same God, the Father. Then why do we recognize different days as the Sabbath.

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In case you missed the rapture, the rapture being the time when Jesus removed His bride (the church) from the earth before the Great Tribulation, there are things you may want cleared up in reference to the world before the rapture happened. I’ve written this because scripture says that in the time that your currently in there will be strong delusion that will not allow many of you to receive the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:11). This is my attempt to provide some assistance in accessing the truth and breaking that strong delusion. In specific reference to our society that was in growing rebellion against God before the rapture, it may be clear that society was and still is against Jesus and the God of the Jews.

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