Belief in Jesus, his life, sacrifice, & resurrection is the New Covenant. Jesus was born from the line of Judah, the bloodline of King Solomon & King David. He was a Jew. Through His life & ministry on earth, he was sinless. He resisted the devil 3 times starving in the wilderness. He did not sin, but was persecuted and crucified nevertheless. He was the only one who fulfilled the Law. Explaining Matthew 5:24, he didn't come to destroy the Law, but He fulfilled it. He was the only one who lived a perfect life, therefore fulfilling the Law.
Read moreIf you read the scriptures in Part 3, you would see there is constant reinforcement of the fact that we are not under the law. That point should be drilled in. God gave Israel the Law, but later gave everyone grace if we accepted it. The Jews at the time didn't have a choice, it was the law of their people
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