In my video, Strategies for Successful Living in the End Times, I went over some strategies that should assist believers in these last days to have a successful, fruitful lives in the face of all this wickedness and darkness. We are living in the last days where evil is in the abundance, and while it is very easy to see, we often do not speak about how to handle it. These strategies should help you as a believer navigate in this wicked world system and be prepared for our Father when He calls us home. I hope this blesses you! Be blessed!
#1) Make focusing on Him your #1 priority
#2) Make sure you are reading your Bible continuously and then applying it to your life
#3) Stay in Prayer
#4) Grow Discernment
#5) Limit your distractions
#6) Understand the real world that you live in and not the fake one that is promoted to you
#7) Expect trouble at any time and prepare for it
#8) Just because it is labeled “Christian” does not mean it is actually good for you
#9) Remember These Things Are Here to Provoke Your Flesh, That Doesn’t Mean You Should Allow them to