If you watched the 2-Part Video about Sexual Immorality we went in-depth about the problem of Sexual Immorality. In the Part 1 I gave lessons that you need to know in order to deal with the problem of sexual immorality. In Part 2, I gave strategies on how to overcome the problem of sexual immorality. Here are the strategies from Part 2 for you to have and review later. I hope this blesses you!
Strategy #1: You need Elohim’s help! You must include Him first!
Strategy #2: Keep rebuking the devil in the name of Yahshua. Engage in Spiritual Warfare
Strategy #3: You must remove yourself from sexual immoral content
Strategy #4: Either Delete Your Social Media or only use it to be filled or fill up others
Strategy #5: Don’t have sex
Strategy #6: Get Married
Strategy #7: Masturbating is not ok
Strategy #8: Change your company
Strategy #9: Don’t go places that feed your weak flesh
Strategy #10: Don’t Look at them as looking good, but as a trap