Of course if they have said it out loud like Kanye West or Katy Perry has, it’s easy to identify. If they do satanic rituals at an award show like Lady Gaga & Katy Perry performed, it’s easy to identify. If they are consistently flashing satanic symbols, it’s easy to discern where their influence must come from. From these kind of entertainers described it should not be hard to figure out. They are often times proud of it and promote it as their beliefs.
These artist that do this a lot of times have knowingly sold their soul. They were promised in return for doing what their bosses say, they would in turn receive fame & fortune. They know they are doing their actions for the devil. It’s the side they have chosen. When you see your entertainers continuously referencing satan and the things associated with satan, you should remove yourself away from their influence.
Now what about your entertainer that does not say they sold their soul and is not showing blatant satanic symbols, how do you know for sure about them? A well-known Christian rapper, Bizzle once said:
“You mean the same times this person was saying lie, steal, cheat, murder they weren’t satanic, but the minute they threw up them horns, they became satanic. If you can’t recognize the devil unless he’s showing you his horns, then you’’re in trouble”
What he meant by that is if you are not able to decipher the things that are coming from God and the things that are coming from the devil, then you don’t know God enough. You are very vulnerable to the enemy. There is obvious evidence of what comes from God & what comes from the devil (our flesh). Any one not knowing should immediately read Galatians 5:16-26.
When your entertainers are talking about immoral living. When they consistently promoted sex, violence, money, and lies as the priorities of life. When they are not talking about peace, love, joy, long-suffering, patience, and kindness it is not coming from God. This is not to say that the entertainer knowingly has sold their soul to the devil. It’s saying regardless if they know or not, if they are promoting a lifestyle and doctrine not according to doctrine of Christ and doing it to obtain wealth & material possessions, then they have sold their soul. They might not have recognized it yet.
You must be wise, practice discernment, and not be willing to be steered by whatever the entertainment world feeds us.