To protect my YouTube channel, I took this video down and re-uploaded it on this website and on my channel on Rumble. This is not a topic that the mainstream likes being spoken of so before they came at me, I moved this video to my site. I’m sorry for the inconvenience it may have […]

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If you watched part 8, you see that I’ve cited a few sources that I used to break down these subjects. As explained in the video, some of these books are hard to come by, but there are free pdf’s that people can download to read the content themselves. I have attached some pdf’s of […]

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Praise YAH that you have decided to celebrate this truly holy time of Passover. This is a day that sings praises to the Most High and brings us into full remembrance and understanding of our Messiah Yahusha. If you watched the Passover video and have decided to want to know how to make unleavened bread […]

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This is one of the most important subjects and topics that we as believers should understand. We are called to be Holy, which in Hebrew was Qodesh which means Set-Apart. This topic is so incredibly important so I want to make sure that the scriptures used are provided so that, everyone can understand better what […]

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A few weeks ago I mentioned a book that I have for a resource in my studies. I am right now working on a list that I can provide that can help those who look to do further studies on their own. I was having issues uploading this PDF but I finally have got it […]

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In the video, ATTENTION: THE REAL WAR BEING WAGED IS MENTAL I provided some mindsets I hold when dealing with our daily attacks from mental warfare. These mindsets are used in order to stop the mind control and limit the programming, so that I can think critically and not be led into the traps that […]

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In the Encouragement video for 1-22, we rebuked satan and his attempts against you. I have provided these words for you to repeat any time you feel the enemy coming against you. I pray this helps you and brings you more strength and cancels out the enemy in your life! Be blessed!

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In my video of Encouragement for 2022, I explained through scripture that Messiah Yahusha wants us to overcome. He has rewards for those who overcome. He stressed this 7 separate times in the messages to the 7 churches and then said it one last time in His closing of the Book of Revelation. Here are […]

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In this message it was communicated that you must overcome and defeat the enemy’s attempts in your life. There were a lot of different scriptures used that were highlighted in the video. I have attached a PDF of the verses in order for your reference. Click the image to Save the PDF. Be blessed

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To protect my YouTube channel, I took this video down and re-uploaded it on my site.In my other video “Do you know what’s Happening” as I gave news updates on what is going on in the world besides what the mainstream media is mind controlling us to know I made a statement regarding the solution […]

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