The 2 biggest risk for Christians when the Lord comes back for His Bride is for them: Being lukewarm (Revelations 3:15) or Having the Lord say “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). This is a subject that many don't hear preached often from the pulpit, but it is something that all should be cognizant of because of the major risks & implications involved.
Read moreIn the Scriptural evidence of not being of this world, you’ll find many scriptures that discuss the topic of “not being of this world”. A lot of the scriptures came from Jesus directly, also the Apostle Paul & John spoke about it often as well. It’s quite clear that Christians, the church, the body of Christ, should not be of this world. But while this concept is easy & plain to see, it has been ignored by many believers. The lack of education and knowledge surrounding this concept has caused a lot of destruction for the body of Christ.
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