If you watched the video “What You Should Know About The Holy Spirit” there were a lot of scriptures given. I hope you were blessed by the video and it strengthened your understanding. Below is a list of the scriptures used in the videos with the points the scriptures correlate with. Use this in your personal study. There was scripture that I didn’t use in the video and that is about the gifts that Holy Spirit gives because not all believers receive the same gift because there are differences in ministries. You can understand this more by reading 1st Corinthians Chapter 12 verses 1 -12.
It is through the Helper that Father and Son abide with the His people.
- John 15:26
In the Old Testament we see the Holy Spirit do about 6 distinctive things
- Participate in Creation
- Genesis 1:2
- Job 26:13
- Gives life to humanity and the other creatures
- Psalm 104:29-30
- Strives with sinners
- Genesis 6:3
- He came upon certain judges, warriors, & prophets in a way that gave them extraordinary power
- Numbers 27:18
- Judges 3:9-10
- Judges 13:24-25
- Judges 14:5-6
- 1st Samuel 10:9-10
- 1st Samuel 16:14
- Played a major role with the prophets in Old Testament Prophecy
- 2ndSamuel 23:2
- Ezekiel 2:2
- Was promised that someday Elohim would put His Spirit in His people
- Ezekiel 36:27
Joseph interpreted the dreams for Pharaoh, it was not Joseph, but the Spirit of Elohim in him. Even Pharoah knew.
- Genesis 41:37-38
Nebuchadnezzar’s wicked son, the king of Babylon Belshazzar
- Daniel 5:14
YHWH placed His Spirit upon individuals for His own purposes, but a person from Israel could not just receive His Spirit freely
- John 7:37–39
Yahshua Promises the Holy Spirit
- John 14:16-18
- John 14:26
- John 16:7-11
When we receive the Holy Spirit, we are New Creations
- John 3:3,5,7
- Romans 8:16
- 2nd Corinthians 5:17
How to receive the Holy Spirit
- Act 2:38-39
Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit
- Acts 10:45
Qualities & Roles of Holy Spirit
- He will give you power Acts 1:8
- The Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture
- Acts 1:16
- Acts 28:25
- All Scripture – 2nd Timothy 3:16-17
- Sword of the Spirit – Ephesians 6:17
- He dwells in You
- Romans 8:11
- He is an anointing
- 1stJohn 2:27
- He guides us
- John 16:13
- He empowers us
- Micah 3:8
- He Bears witness
- Romans 8:16
- He is our Helper
- John 14:16-17
- He will give you discernment
- 1st Corinthians 2:10–14
If you are led by His Spirit you are not under the Law
- Galatians 5:18
Fruits of the Spirit
- Galatians 5:22-25
Fruits of the Flesh
- Galatians 5:19-21
Do Not Quench the Spirit
- 1st Thessalonians 5:19