In his first epistle to the Thessalonians, in Chapter 5 verse 20 the Apostle Paul tells us not to despise prophecies. Prophecies are guidance from God into the future. He tells us what to expect so that the times do not overtake us and we are prepared for them. He gives us our future history so that we are able to identify the times. His prophecy also shows us how powerful He is, by describing events thousands of years before they are to come.

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Have you ever analyzed your traditions? If you are an active participant today in society it’s an easy assumption that you may be partaking in many traditions. Many you were born into. Many you adopted and accepted as society has grown & changed. Our traditions sometimes are what we look forward to. They often keep our lives normal and mundane. They very often are things that break up the monotony of life and bring us happiness.

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In the Scriptural evidence of not being of this world, you’ll find many scriptures that discuss the topic of “not being of this world”. A lot of the scriptures came from Jesus directly, also the Apostle Paul & John spoke about it often as well. It’s quite clear that Christians, the church, the body of Christ, should not be of this world. But while this concept is easy & plain to see, it has been ignored by many believers. The lack of education and knowledge surrounding this concept has caused a lot of destruction for the body of Christ.

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doesn’t take a deep argument for most people to agree that the black community in America has been oppressed since the foundations of this country were laid. As this nation grew and gathered it’s independence, it gained it’s strength with thanks in great part to the blood & sweat of free labor. This free labor of course being slavery. The oppression of a complete race for over 400 years with mass genocide and unspeakable cruelty. The oppressors enslaved people taking them

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In order to live in this deceitful and deceptive world, Christians must be able to interact with it, while not being overtaken by it. In order to minister to others, we need to be strong in the Spirit, but not out of touch with society. We need to be relatable, just not at the expense of our spiritual lives.

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The New Age movement will be the religion of the AntiChrist. This is the most simplest understanding to have on this subject. It is a religion that leads to worship of the AntiChrist, even though most today do not fully realize it. The roots of the New Age stem from Eastern religions and of course the occult.

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This is a symbol that is seen consistently by all. Most people do not know what it means, so it is ignored. It's on the smallest denomination of the United States currency. It is the All Seeing Eye, the 3rd eye. It's also known as the Eye of Horus. It references that god sees and watches...

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This is the Diablo sign. It has a history in sign language of being "I Love You", but what it actually means is "I Love You Satan". It is a pure reference to lucifer. It has been used by countless satanists and rock stars. It is a sign that has been picked up over time to mean...

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This is the 3 6 sign or 666 sign. It is used consistently as the sign for "O.K.". It is actually used by satanist as a reference to 666. Looking closely you will see the formation of the "6". Then the 3 fingers up references "3" of that "6". 3 6's or 666. This is a ...

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Because it may be hard in the beginning to identify New Agers, this list of buzz words all pertain to New Age Religion. When coming across anyone or anything that promotes these terms, be highly discerning and prayerful.

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