Should Christians do yoga? There is a growing consensus today that it is alright for Christians to engage in the practice and exercise of yoga. There is even a movement going around named “Christian Yoga” or “Yoga for Christians”. There are churches that embrace it and even provide yoga classes for their congregation. Many feel its ok because they play gospel music or scriptures with their exercise so it takes away from any other notions that come with yoga. But is it really okay for Christians to be doing yoga? Like with many traditions that we practice today, the answer becomes much clearer and simple if we just educate ourselves on the background and history of things. So we should obviously take a look at what yoga is.
Read moreToday unknowingly we have accepted Global governance. This simply means that all the conspiracy theories that foretold about a One World Government is now not only a proven fact, but accepted by the majority. This article will give you 1000% proof quicker than any other evidence you may have heard before that we are now accepting a One World Government. It’s now not a world that consists of many different independent nations with their own rules and laws, but a world consisting of many different nations under one governing international body that supersedes all independent country’s laws. This governing body of course being the United Nations.
Read moreThe 2 biggest risk for Christians when the Lord comes back for His Bride is for them: Being lukewarm (Revelations 3:15) or Having the Lord say “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:21-23). This is a subject that many don't hear preached often from the pulpit, but it is something that all should be cognizant of because of the major risks & implications involved.
Read moreIs Joel Osteen a False Teacher? He has the largest protestant “Christian” church in the nation. His church has about 45,000 weekly in attendance. He’s a televangelist that reaches over 7 million viewers weekly & over 20 million monthly in over 100 countries. According to Nielsen Media Research, he is the most watched inspirational figure in America. He is the author of many journals, devotionals, and many #1 best-selling books. In 2006, Barbara Walters named him “10 Most Fascinating People of 2006” and also was selected by the readers of “Church Report Magazine” as the “Most Influential Christian”.
Read moreAre You Preparing for the Coming Collapse of the Global Economy? If not...What points & data are you using that gives you such security in our economic system? Ask yourself these questions?
Read moreDoes Your Future Match What God Says or What You Say? Does your outlook of the future match with God’s Will? Does your view match what God has told us or does it match more with what the world generally hopes for? These things mainly being peace, prosperity, & success? It's a reasonable question to ask one’s self.
Read moreThis morning I saw an article from CNN written about Gilbert Baker, the man famed for designing and creating the gay pride symbol - the Rainbow Flag. It was titled, “Rainbow flag maker inspired by the Bible, U.S. flag”. In the article, it expressed Mr. Baker’s happiness on the latest Supreme Court decision on gay rights, his struggle he had while he fought for gay rights in the 70’s when he made the flag, and how making the flag was the most important thing he’d ever done. It also discussed that the flag was inspired by the Bible and how no one should be able to argue against it because it was inspired from the Bible. His words exactly were:
Read moreWhy aren’t more Christians talking about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? In a period of time that has so much visible evidence, an overwhelming majority of Christians do not discuss it at all. Many do not even tie current world events and figures to anything biblically prophetic. They don’t put it in their overall world perspective and future that the world will be very different when Jesus comes back again.
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