n the last episode part 1, we ended with understanding the Abrahamic Covenant and how Israel was split and scattered. Now after this is understood, the next point that we must go to is what YAH said while they were in captivity. While they were in captivity, it’s important to understand that the prophets of […]
Read moreIn part 1 of this Series, we started at the foundation of understanding End Times Bible Prophecy. We started with understanding the Abrahamic Covenant. If you do not understand this covenant, then you won’t understand the End Times and what YAH has prophesied to do. I have made a PDF to help reinforce some of […]
Read moreLast week, I made a video about the Millennial Reign, but I took it down because I used a wrong thumbnail when trying to make my point. I still stand on everything that was said in the video, but I did not recognize just how many people actually believed in this Preterist view. I did […]
Read moreIn the Warning Do Not Give Up video, I shared Scripture from 1st Thessalonians 5 that should be a daily action plan for us all. I have made the PDF for you to print out and use daily. I hope it helps and blesses you.
Read moreThis topic is something that has been asked to be discussed from some time now. I did not upload this to YouTube because this topic is something they claim is close to violating their community guidelines. So in order to protect the channel, I have chosen not to upload it there. I am still working […]
Read moreTo protect my YouTube channel, I took this video down and re-uploaded it on this website and on my channel on Rumble. I’m sorry for the inconvenience it may have caused, but we are in an information war and as YAH leads me, I follow. Thank you for understanding.
Read moreIn the video “Is this war with Israel a part of Bible Prophecy” I mentioned a pdf with excerpts from Albert Pikes Letter to Manzinni going over the plan for 3 World Wars. This is the PDF. Click the image to download the PDF. Stay awake! Do not follow the Strong Delusion the world is […]
Read moreIn this weeks video, as I was going through the news, I felt led in a different direction to encourage the body to endure to the end. I made a list of action items that we all must do in order to prepare and be ready. I have put them into a PDF so that […]
Read moreIn my most recent video, I referenced a document from Manuel Lacunza that was the beginning of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture doctrine. I have attached the PDF for anyone that wants to read this work and understand how the beginnings of this doctrine was started. I pray this helps who ever is seeking to understand this […]
Read moreIf you watch this week’s video titled, “WHY LIES MUST BE EXPOSED”, after I explained why we live in such massive deception and lies, at the end of the video, I also provided guidance on what we all can do once we are tired of living in the lies. Like I said, I have made […]
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