Since the beginning of this ministry I have stressed the importance of getting our houses in order and submitting to our Father in Heaven. It’s very possible that you have gained some conviction from these messages and you desire to get your life right with our Father. I pray that that is true for many that watch these videos. I pray that many people in this world are recognizing what time it is in the world right now and realizing that they don’t have time to play games. If Father is reaching out to you and touching your heart that you need to come to Him, and you are making the right decision to answer His call and seek Him truly, you must realize that you have a lot of work to do. What I want to do is help you and provide some guidance & direction so that this mission you are on can be successful, also so the devil along with his ways & strategies are blocked, and you are ready for our Master when He calls. It’s time to be ready. Let’s talk about how. Let’s Begin!