In Part 15 as I discussed the Sabbath I gave many different quotes from the early Church Fathers. These are the quotes used in the video.  The PDF’s of these books are available as well. This is the link to their wrirings. Writings of the Early Church Fathers

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I have attached some of the writings from the early church fathers so that anyone that desires to study this on their own has the resources to do so. I hope this blesses you that desires to learn more. Be blessed!

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In part 8 of the Testing Christianity series we had to discuss the men who started the faith of Christianity.  These are some of the early church fathers who started the religion of Christianity.  After you know some of them, I will provide you with some quotes from their writings that are about different subjects.  If you want […]

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There has been a lot of disagreement with what has been said in this series and it was expected.  In order to deal with this I gave a test for anyone following the doctrines of Christianity to take and test their faith & understanding.  In part 1 I gave the test. Here are the the answers. […]

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In my video series about Testing Christianity I made a test for anyone who doubts what the claims I have made about Christianity. The test is below, please answer the questions yourself and have others you know answer the questions. As this series concludes, we will go over the answer and everyone can verify where […]

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In Part 6 of my Docs Series, when discussing who the people labeled as “Black People” truly are, I discussed the European Slavers maps of Africa that they used when they were gathering their slaves. These maps are an important tool that can be used for your own research so I wanted to share them […]

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In part 13 of the End Times Series, we went over the Great Tribulation. Here is a PDF of a summary of the events that happen during the Great Tribulation. I hope it helps you in your studies! Be blessed

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In my video about the feast days, we went over each one and discussed them. This is a summary of what was spoken about in that video. I’m sorry for the delay in getting it out to you. I hope this blesses you and brings clarity.

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In part 3 as we continued discussing the Millennial Kingdom, we dealt directly with the prophesies about Messiah when He comes back in the clouds and takes the throne of David.  As we continue to discuss the Millennial Kingdom and what will be happening in the last days, it’s important that the prophesy of the […]

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In the last part of this series, we went over some of the prophecies that allow us to know that Yahusha is our Messiah.  Now that this understanding is had, we must discuss the future.  Some people think that all that was prophesied about Messiah has happened and therefore we are just waiting for Him […]

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