A lot of people always ask us where to start if they want to gain more understanding of the world that’s been hidden to them. This list can give a good start to doing research. The best way to research is when you do not know about a particular topic, write it down, and check multiple sources. Never believe the first thing that you read. Check the information over continuously until you grasp it fully.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ please follow the Holy Spirit in your guide for more information
Main Source

Now many people often ask me what Bible it is that I am reading from in my videos. Please forgive me for not updating my site sooner. As I have grown in my understanding, I have grown to appreciate the original language of the Hebrews. There is so much more meaning in their names and words that the English language does not bring in with it’s translations. Along with the fact that much of the English names and titles have pagan connotations mixed in within the language. In my growth there is an invaluable source that I use in my reading of the scriptures. This Bible below is from the HalleluYah Scriptures and I this is one of the main Bibles that I use in my videos when you see me replace the English words, names, and/or titles. You can click the link and order a Bible directly from them. They play an extremely huge role in the body of Messiah today and they simply want to place the Word of Elohim in the hands of those who seek Him. They do not sell their Bible and if you can not afford one they will send it to you for free, but because they do this for people around the world, please only ask for it free if you truly do not have anything to spare. If you can please send a donation of at least $25 when requesting a Bible. They are truly servants on the battlefield and need our support and I am very sorry that I have not provided a link to them on my website until now. You can get a Bible from them on their website HalleluYahScriptures.com
Please go to HalleluYahScriptures.com to get this Bible
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