In the video about the 4th Industrial Revolution I went over the plans for the future. The future of the world is very concerning if you are attached to this world. If you are in YAH you know none of this has anything to do with you. I have attached the PDF’s for these books […]

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When you make a commitment to serve YAH there should be something that people properly teach you to help set the proper expectations for what it is you are engaging in. When you are choosing to submit to YAHUAH especially today, you are choosing to be on the opposite side of this world.  Pretty much everyone […]

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As we continue to discuss Spiritual Warfare, we had to discuss a major topic that is overlooked. Spiritual Doorways are something that is something that needs to be understood. In a perfect world that is without all of these major schemes of satan, believers are hedged and protected, so that demons & spirits cannot get […]

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In the video Rituals of the Divine 9, I went through a great deal of information. As I said, this information is not hidden, it’s very much accessible on the internet. To make it easy I have placed the PDF’s to these rituals so you can read them for yourself and understand what it is […]

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In my recent email I sent out a spiritual warfare prayer, but there needed to be some edits done and it needed to be more personalized. So I updated the prayer and re-uploaded it. Here it is updated and more personalized! Be blessed

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In part 1 of the series about Spiritual warfare we went over the beginning foundations to understand Spiritual Warfare. Attached are the notes from the video along with understanding the Spiritual armor. Also attached here is the Spiritual Warfare Prayer that should be read to combat the enemy. It is a long prayer but powerful. […]

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Many people are under the strong delusion and they are being prepared to accept the antichrist or die in their rejection of the truth.  Satan doesn’t care either way.  His whole goal is to bring people to the same fate that he is going to receive and so he tries to direct the masses to follow His […]

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In the video, DO YOU KNOW THE PROMISES? WE ARE WAITING FOR THE 2ND EXODUS, NOT THE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE! I went over all the scriptures that discuss the promises we should all be preparing and waiting for.  The 2nd Exodus is real and true bible prophecy and we must live in true expectation of it and be […]

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In understanding who our Messiah is, it’s important that we go through the scriptures that explain His relationship to YAHUAH. When we go through this, it reduces the confusion.  These scriptures are the scriptures from the video “Understanding Who Messiah Is”. I hope this blesses you

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In parts 2 & 3 of the Understanding Trinity Series I gave a list of evidence of why the doctrine of trinity is a doctrine of men. Here is the list provided in the video for the review and study for anyone who desires

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