Inflation is a secret tax that the average citizen pays everyday, but never realizes or understands it. It’s simply the rising of prices. When things cost more today than they did yesterday. The mainstream media reports inflation in the U.S. to be controlled by the Fed and kept low. Most people believe that because they have never seen the need to question their source or their governement. But if one understood inflation it would be easier to understand better if inflation was being kept low. You’d just continue to ask yourself are you paying more for the same stuff today than you did last year. Are you able to buy the same portion size or amount? Of course we’re not! Prices keep going up, the dollar is not going as far as it did in the past. This is inflation.
The way the US government calculates inflation is deceptive. They leave out the price of food and the price of gas. The 2 main factors that inflation has hit the hardest. The unedited truth is the value of the dollar is weakening compared to other currencies. The value of our currency has been kept strong only due to our military & countries comfortable in the current scheme and order of the world. But the fact is there are too many dollars in supply. Basic economics will tell you too much supply will decrease demand. It will cost more to do things. This is a very simple explanation of inflation but it’s a very serious risk. Especially because since the economic collapse in 2008 the government and the Fed thru quantitative easing and a measure of other tools have printed trillions of U.S. dollars all in circulation. They are not just circulating within United States, but around the world, slowly but surely decreasing demand. This explains the major risk of hyperinflation that is inevitable at this stage in history.