If you have not already started preparing for a major change in the world, now is the time to start doing so. Before the flood, Noah was warned to prepare with the Ark. Before famine in Egypt, Joseph prepared for what was coming. We know that the Great Tribulation will come with a great deal of challenges. If you are able to at this time, it would be wise for you to prepare for hard times ahead. All the warning signals are flashing red. I have put together this list that can assist you with knowing some essential items that you will need. You want to prepare to be in your home for at least 6 months. This is not a time for fear but for trust in our Father. He has given us eyes to see the danger ahead so that we can be ready and prepared for it. I just want to help you plan in case you aren’t sure what to get. You want items with a long shelf life. You know yourself and your family best, so do your best to prepare. I hope this helps you! Be blessed!